Bharat Rajan is an actor, model, and International PRO Men’s Physique Athlete who has carved a niche for himself in the realms of both entertainment and fitness. Hailing from Tamil Nadu, he made history as the first person from his state to secure the prestigious International Federation of Body Building and Fitness (IFBB) Pro Card, a golden ticket granting him the privilege to compete in Pro Shows worldwide, including the esteemed Mr. Olympia Show in the USA.
With over five years of experience as a professional personal trainer and an indomitable entrepreneurial spirit, he has made a significant contribution to the Chennai fitness scene through his startup venture, The Body Studio.
Bharath has also made his mark in the film industry with notable appearances in movies such as “Poojai,” “Mersal,” “AdangaMaru,”, “Sangatamizhan”, and “Ponniyin Selvan”.